Present A Powerful Data Story - Embrace Your Inner George Lucas
Feb 24, 2024
In this data-driven age, businesses grapple with a daily tsunami of information. Amidst the deluge, some data becomes a distraction, while much of it holds crucial information obscured by complexity and technical jargon. How can non-technical experts not only stay afloat but also harness the rich insights of the data revolution for enhanced understanding and better decision-making?
Thought leader Daniel Pink has said the future belongs to creative conceptual communicators – the meaning makers. Those who can navigate complexity, discern patterns, connect the dots, and weave compelling stories that make sense. He predicts that communicators who can do this will be in high demand.
If you are a technical specialist, it's time to embrace your inner George Lucas and master the art of data storytelling 🎬. Especially if you are in a leadership role.
How? Is there a Cheat Sheet?
Well no. Masterful communication is a journey, just ask George Lucas. It takes effort but Lucas encourages us by reminding us we all have talent. Our challenge is to find it.
There's a great deal to learn but here's 3 tips to help technical experts enhance their presentation skills and keep a non-technical audience both informed, engaged and hopefully, inspired:
1️⃣ Step into the Role of Storyteller ☄️
- Don’t hide behind data’s façade; step boldly in front of it.
- Take charge of the story. Shape your key messages into an impactful narrative with a compelling beginning, a captivating middle, and a satisfying end. Include a Call To Action.
- Flip your mindset from an information giver to a custodian of an important story waiting to be told. Set out to capture your audience’s attention, make your content memorable, and create a connection with your audience – work to get your audience to care about your story.
2️⃣ Develop Your 'Why' Story ✍🏽
- Imbed your ‘Why’ with not only logic but emotional appeals.
- Tailor your narrative to the audience’s perspective. It helps make your 'Why' more relatable and impactful.
- Switch between multiple perspectives.
3️⃣ Infuse Creativity into Your Data Storytelling 🎨
- Adopt an interesting frame and organise your insights, facts, and figures into compelling focus points within this frame.
- Utilise the power of analogy to relate technical data to everyday or familiar scenarios. As David McRaney puts it, “Analogies are the gentle whispers that help concepts find a home in the minds of those grappling with the unfamiliar.”
- Employ visualisation techniques (thought provoking images, charts, props, info graphics). Don't overuse props or you risk coming across as gimmicky and it can be distracting.
- Use directive language to encourage audience engagement. For instance, phrases such as “Imagine this…”; “Picture this…”; "Recall a time when..." Or one from Shakespeare: "Imagine, that when we talk of horses, that you see them..."
Remember, the real strength of data lies in its ability to tell a resonant story. As a storyteller, that’s your challenge 🚀
Here's something to do right now. Have a think about this question: What is ONE common mistake you observe when people communicate complex information?
Now resolve not to repeat this mistake yourself.
Be brave an embrace your creativity when preparing for your next technical presentation and watch your impact soar ☄️
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