Have You Hit the Snooze Button on Your Executive Presence?
Oct 25, 2023
Are you in the snooze zone when it comes to your Executive Presence? Is it time to wake up?
Presence is built around two key ingredients: physical presence and vocal presence. Body language gets a lot of attention, vocal presence not so much. Yet it can shrink executive presence. The deal is you need both your physical and vocal presence to be strong for your executive presence to be impactful.
The science behind what makes an attractive voice is fascinating. Why is it that some people have vocal presence that locks us in – arresting our attention, and engendering a sense of confidence, trust and authority in the speaker? What is it about these voices that sets them apart?
Let’s meet Eric and Jane, two characters from the corporate world who paint a vivid picture of how vocal presence works.
Meet Jane: A Maestro of Vocal and Physical Presence
Picture Jane entering the meeting room. There’s an undeniable aura around her. Even when her lips are sealed, her body communicates with finesse – spine elongated, graceful strides, a warm smile, and direct eye contact. Relaxed yet confident, she seems to own the room even before she speaks. Prepared and armed with a killer opening line, she begins with a moment of silence, followed by a voice that resonates like a symphony – clear, resonant, and impossible to ignore. It hooks people’s attention from the very first note.
When Jane speaks, the room listens. Despite not being an extrovert, she projects a quiet dynamism. Her clear articulation, perfect phrasing, artful word stress, and precise timing ensure that her messages are not just heard but absorbed. Whether it’s a team briefing, a Town Hall meeting, an Executive Briefing, or a high stakes presentation to external stakeholders, Jane’s vocal presence is a force to be reckoned with. And the cherry on top? Jane’s authenticity.
She hasn’t succumbed to the pressure of conforming to a particular image of success. No ‘copy and paste’ approach for her. Early on in her career, Jane recognized that the path of trying to replicate her role models' style would lead to a diluted version of herself. Jane cast aside the copy-cat strategy and the illusion of perfectionism. She embraced her vulnerability, undertook some skill building, and consistently pushed her comfort zone boundaries to arrive at where she is today.
This approach continues to work for her. It ensures she avoids stagnation. She continually finds hidden facets of her voice, personality and talents. Driven by the joy of discovery, Jane continues to explore the wonders of vocal presence with an authentic and individual touch. She hasn't hit the snooze button.
People like to attend her meetings.
Enter Eric: The Silent Whisperer
Now, let’s shift our focus to Eric. He’s a knowledgeable professional but there’s something missing when he speaks. His voice doesn’t quite fill the room, and sometimes his words get lost in the shuffle of his ideas.
Eric's needs a wake-up call. Eric’s presence could use a serious boost. Maybe it’s the monotone delivery, lack of energy, or the occasional hesitation that leaves the room in doubt. It’s not that he lacks substance; it’s just that his voice isn’t doing justice to the wealth of knowledge he possesses. His vocal tone is not pleasant to listen to and his complex, fast flowing ideas test the concentration of his audience.
Fundamentally, Eric believes all he needs is a string of good ideas to be a good communicator and influential leader. He tries to let his words speak for themselves but of course they don’t. They wither somewhere between his mouth and his audience. He often loses his audience.
The Anatomy of Vocal Presence
So, what sets Jane apart from Eric? It’s the awareness and conscious mastery of vocal elements that combine to create vocal presence. Jane understands the nuances of vocal tone, pitch, pace, pause, volume, and accentuation. Her voice carries a rhythm that keeps listeners engaged. When she emphasises a point, you feel it in the room. She realizes that from start to finish of interactions she must work hard to maintain the level of mastery required to convey conviction, credibility and nuanced emotion. As a result, Jane's vocal presence is opening doors of possibility for her team, her organisation, and her clients. It's also flinging open the doors of opportunity for herself.
On the flip side, Eric's closing doors. His executive presence could benefit from some big tweaks. Maybe a good dash of enthusiasm in his voice or practicing the art of modulation to add dynamism and interest to his spoken delivery. Everything he says seems to be on the same note delivered at the same pace. Its hard for his audience to pick up on his main points let alone appreciate any nuance. The room feels heavy. His physical presence doesn't help. He seems to fold in on himself - his should are rounded and chest collapsed. He doesn't breathe well and it shows up in his voice and lack of energy. When it comes to developing his vocal presence, he’s barely at the starting block.
Unlocking Your Vocal Presence
So, next time you step into a meeting, prepare for a presentation or engage in an important corridor conversation, ask yourself: “Do I have the physical and vocal presence that commands attention?”
Whether you resonate with the confidence and skill of Jane, or recognize elements of Eric’s journey in your own, remember vocal presence can be acquired with a little sweat. It’s never too late to fine-tune your vocal style to enhance your executive presence and start opening doors.
Hope this helps. Comments always welcome. Please DM me directly if you have topics you'd like me to cover.
#ExecutivePresence #VocalPresence #LeadershipCommunication #Voice Skills #PresentationSkills #LeadershipBrand
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