Channeling Coco: 5 Style Tips to Transform Your Business Communication
Mar 31, 2024
Chanel No 5: an icon synonymous with style and sophistication. In the spirit of Coco Chanel's affinity for this number, I tasked myself with distilling 5 timeless principles or style tips derived from her design approach to help you take your business communication to next level.
Let's delve into these insights.
Coco Chanel's style can be summed up in three words: elegance, simplicity, and audacity - elements that can undoubtedly elevate our communication.
🎩 ELEGANCE - The Art of Editing:
Elegance, as Coco famously asserted, is found in refusal. Achieving elegance in our communication demands knowledge, courage, flair, and curation to eliminate unnecessary elements. Coco is renowned for one memorable piece of advice: before leaving the house, remove one accessory. Refining your messages requires the same discernment. When reviewing your presentations, ask yourself: "What can I leave out?"
- Keep it Simple: Chanel revolutionised fashion by introducing comfortable yet stylish designs for women. Our messaging should follow suit – uncluttered, easy to absorb, yet powerful in its impact.
- Limit Your Palate: Like Coco's limited colour palette, effective communicators should be selective with words and storylines. Less is often more when crafting impactful messages, but...
- Know How to Accessorise: Embrace Chanel's mastery of accessories by enhancing your communication with strategic embellishments. Use anecdotes, metaphors, personal story, or visuals to add depth and interest to your message.
- Don't Follow Fashion: Chanel's rebellion against 'the norm' applies to communication too. Avoid blindly following communication fads or a safe ubiquitous style; instead, focus on finding an authentic communication style that is distinctive and connects with others.
In Coco's words, "If you were not born with wings, do nothing to impede their growth." Take risks, try new approaches, and allow your communication style to evolve. Remember, Coco blended women's and men's fashion, eliminated the corset, and lifted hemlines.
And one last thing:
- Know What Suits You. Just as Coco emphasised the importance of finding the right colour, understand your communication style. Tailor your approach to what suits your personality and resonates with your audience. Again, a salient piece of advice from her: "Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door." Don't try to copy someone's style; find your own authentic voice and communication style and convey it to your best ability.
These principles can help us all refine our business presence, communication style, and impact. By embodying the simplicity, elegance and audacity that made Coco Chanel's impact timeless, our business communication can leave an indelible mark.
Now, it's time to seize these principles and channel your inner Coco to transform your communication style, strengthen your leadership impact, enjoy more professional success, and mark a lasting impression in your team, across your organisation and beyond.
What ONE thing are you going to do to elevate your communication style this month? Decide now, and go for it.
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